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Portland Chef to Star on Food Network’s Cutthroat Kitchen

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Kirsten Nicolaisen, GoLocalPDX Content Manager

John Paulk
John Paulk, executive chef and owner of Portland's Mezzaluna Fine Catering, will appear as a contestant on Food Network's reality competition show 'Cutthroat Kitchen' in February.

Cutthroat Kitchen features four chefs competing in a three-round elimination cooking competition. The four contestants will take part in auctions in which they can either purchase opportunities to sabotage each other, or benefit themselves. Each chef is given $25,000 at the start of the show and the winner keeps whatever money he or she has not spent on the auction purchases. 

"The fast-paced energy I experienced while taping the episode last summer was exhilarating," said Paulk. "I've never had more fun in my life competing with other talented chefs." 

This in not Paulk's first appearance on T.V. For several years, Paulk was a regular guest on local television morning shows doing cooking demonstrations. Currently, Paulk is preparing to launch his new, weekly radio show, "Talking with our Mouths Full," on Wild Planet Radio, KPQR 99.1 FM. - Portland's new radio station aimed at the LGBT community. 

Paulk is the former founder and leader of the ex-gay ministry 'Love Won Out,' which promotes freedom from homosexuality through the power of Christ. He has since left the ministry and denounced gay reparative therapy. Paulk's Mezzaluna Fine Catering has serviced many politicians and leaders with close ties to Portland's gay community. 

Paulk is not the only Portland chef to star on national television this past year. Gregory Gourdet of Portland's Departure Restaurant and Lounge and Doug Adams of Imperial have been fighting for the title of Bravo's Top Chef. Gregory Gourdet also appeared on Cutthroat Kitchen in March 2014. 

John Paulk's episode, "Who Tarted?" airs on Food Network, Sunday, Feb. 1 at 11 p.m., and re-airs again on Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. 

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